Syracuse University graduate student workers overwhelmingly vote to form union

By Melissa Newcomb for | Published on April 5, 2023

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Syracuse University graduate student workers voted to unionize by a decisive majority of 728-36 on Tuesday night at the JMA Wireless Dome.

As a result, 1,124 graduate students will form Syracuse Graduate Employees United and will join the Service Employees International Union.

Students will now begin to elect a bargaining committee, which will listen to union members’ needs and work with lawyers to write a contract before negotiations begin with the university.

“The decision to unionize is a historic thing. It goes back to grad students trying to unionize on this campus since the 1970s,” said Sadie Novak, a chemistry PhD.

“But for this campaign, it has been a culmination of grad students across campus facing issues, trying to pay rent, making decisions between going to the doctor or putting groceries on the table,” she said.

Students who voted said an increase in pay for teaching assistants, increased training, and stronger healthcare benefits are at the forefront of their desires when bargaining begins. While students only get paid for 20 hours of work a week, some have reported working double that.

“Many, many students, myself included when I was a TA last year, definitely end up working over 20 hours,” said Amanda Beavan, a master’s student in geography and public administration. “And it becomes really hard to balance our coursework, our teacher responsibilities, and our own research and just living a life. It really burns you out very quickly.”

“This is an important process for all parties and we will negotiate in the spirit of partnership and respect that have been the hallmarks of our labor-management relationships to date,” said Gretchen Ritter, university Provost, in a written statement.


SU graduate student workers vote in favor of recognizing SGEU as their union


Syracuse University graduate student employees vote in favor of unionizing